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How to access Network License Server (LMTools) over VPN


How to access Network License Server (LMTools) over VPN


  1. If client machine is able to reach out to LMTools properly on local office connection, it should work as well on VPN.
  2. If client machine is not able to reach out to LMTools properly on local office connection, make sure in the server machine, connections to the chosen ports are allowed by the firewall ,if this is not the case choose specific ports to be able to later exclude them on the firewall: https://type3-caa.com/knowledge-base/how-do-i-choose-specific-ports-for-my-license-server/
  3. If client machine is still not able to reach out to LMTools over VPN, please add this System Variable:
    • On the client computer, set FLEXLM_TIMEOUT to 1000000 to increase the time TYPE3-CAA software waits for a license from the server.  
    • Right-click My Computer, choose Properties, and then click Advanced system settings.
    • In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab.
    • On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
    • In the Environment Variables window, under System Variables, click New.
    • In the New System Variable window, enter FLEXLM_TIMEOUT for the variable name and 1000000 for the variable value.
    • Click OK to close each window.
    • Increase the value if it is still not working (i.e. depends on how high the latency between client and server).


  • TYPE3 is not responsible for VPN connection issue.
  • If client machine is able to reach out to LMTools by using local office connection, all of the above have been applied, and issue still persists, please approach IT/Network admin for further assistance. Most likely the VPN connection is not allowing client to reach out to LMTools properly (i.e. unstable connection: request timeout or high latency).